From tiny seeds come great things.

Tomato Seeds

Our beloved “Astiana” tomatoes were brought from the Po Valley in Northern Italy by Ayers Creek Farm over a decade ago. This is the best sauce tomato we’ve ever grown and eaten. And we've tried a lot of them. Not bad for the table but a true gem for cooking

Poppy Seeds

Papaver somniferum, is the classic and beautiful annual “opium” poppy from central Asia famous for producing opium, but totally legal to grow as a stunning ornamental. 

Looking for other tomatoes?

There are many great seed producers out there. Two we admire are:

Territorial Seeds out of Lorane, OR, is renowned for their careful selection of strains that thrive in Western Oregon's unpredictable growing season.  They have literally dozens of tomato varieties (no Astianas though).

Heirloom Seedhouse based in Portland, OR has many interesting varieties of tomatoes, especially including unique Italian strains not commonly found (no Astianas though).